RISK Management: Surprise? Hedging helped this past year.

As winter thaws in May, Santa Clause may be leaving his sled on the sidelines.  Regardless, it may surprise many to learn that the AGFIQ Market Neutral Strategy ($BTAL) has added value over other defensive strategies.

Those who are using fixed income as a way to play defense should note that $TLT, the “20 Year Treasury”  has performed effectively as well, but this presumes significant duration risk. Since we cannot project out when the next recession will occur we prefer to manage duration closer.

Glad that so many members in the Tank have benefited by this strategy.

Best to All on the Market Battle Field

Dan, “The ETF Professor”

Bottom Line: High Active Share = ETF Difference & Targeted Value

Bottom Line: High Active Share = ETF Difference & Targeted Value

We had 2 Due Diligence Calls with Distillate Capital ($DSTL)

Macro: China Trade policy vs the Semi-Conductor Index ($SOXX)

Macro: China Trade policy vs the Semi-Conductor Index ($SOXX)

Macro: China Trade policy vs the Semi-Conductor Index ($SOXX) For me markets are

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