Powered By Tidal

The Tidal Financial Group (Tidal) expanded rapidly over the last decade and encompassed multiple ETF related brands including Toroso Investments, Tidal ETF Services, and the ETF Think Tank. Going forward all activity will be unified under the Tidal brand as we become one company, dream, family, and platform focused on holistic ETF customer solutions.

Advisor Services

Portfolio Review


Our portfolio experts Michael Gayed and Dan Weiskopf offer one-to-one portfolio review and recommendations.

Access to Partner Research


The ETF Think Tank is happy to provide complimentary access for qualifying advisors to various research providers we partner with. Current offerings include: 


DACFP Scholarship Program – https://dacfp.com/earn-your-certificate/

Lyn Alden Investment Strategywww.lynalden.com

Gary BrodeDeep Knowledge Investing | Expert Research for Equity Portfolio Positions

EPB Quarterly Presentation and Outlookwww.epbmacroresearch.com

The Lead-Lag Reportwww.leadlagreport.com

ETF Action – www.etfaction.com

AltaVista Researchwww.etfrc.com

Weekly Options Advisorwww.shadowtrader.net

42 Macrohttps://42macro.com/The ETF Think Tank is happy to provide complimentary access for qualifying advisors to various research providers we partner with. Current offerings include:

Social Media Management

We believe social media isn’t about activity, it’s about monetization.

We believe advisors need a social media presence, primarily through LinkedIn and Twitter. In order to monetize social media, it is important to build a substantial network of followers and disseminate continuous content around your investment philosophy and unique value prop.

Consistent and frequent social media management is time consuming. That is why we offer daily management of our ETF Think Tank members’ Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. Our process will result in more followers, more social proof, more opportunities for assets and media exposure.

For more information, please contact:

Michael Gayed at mgayed@tidalfg.com or Dan Weiskopf at dweiskopf@tidalfg.com