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The Tidal Financial Group (Tidal) expanded rapidly over the last decade and encompassed multiple ETF related brands including Toroso Investments, Tidal ETF Services, and the ETF Think Tank. Going forward all activity will be unified under the Tidal brand as we become one company, dream, family, and platform focused on holistic ETF customer solutions.

Toroso Market Commentary for 1st Quarter, 2019

Putting Things into Perspective

We are now officially in the midst of the longest growth rally in recent history. The historical first quarter erased almost all losses across most broad asset classes. In reality not much has changed. In our previous commentary we focused on the global QE drawdown and stretched profit margins for US equities. From a recession watch, we highlighted the effects of a yield curve inversion as well as credits spreads usefulness as a signal for upcoming volatility. All of that will be reviewed again in the following commentary, but first, let’s take a step back and put things into perspective.

What Makes an Economy Grow?

Technological improvements, increased productivity, access to credit, and demographics. It has been quite some time since you’ve heard many focus on demographics. Over the last few decades, much of the developed world has been built on the backs of debt accumulation. There’s sound economic theory to that, but as always when applied at scale, it’s the micro details that make the difference.

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TETF.Index Update is Now ETF Think Tank Weekly Research

TETF.Index Update is Now ETF Think Tank Weekly Research

For the past two years, through the TETF

ETF Innovations and Tax Implications

ETF Innovations and Tax Implications

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