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Steve Ehrlich on The Blockchain Interviews with Dan Weiskopf

Dan Weiskopf Interviews Steve Ehrlich, CEO of Voyager Digital Ltd on this episode of The Blockchain Interviews. TSX: VOYG | OTC: VYGVF

Learn more about Voyager Digital: https://www.investvoyager.com

View past episodes of The Blockchain Interviews: http://theblockchaininterviews.com

0:00 Start
4:30 You have to build what customers really want.
5:04 Customers are coming back to the app 8 to 12 times per day.
5:56 Where customers are engaging with Voyager.
8:03 The evolution of the Voyager Digital business model.
11:00 How Voyager optimizes the wild west of exchanges?
11:47 The importance of customers actually owning the Bitcoin in their wallet.
12:42 How Voyager protects customers from losing coins.
13:57 How Voyager generates yield for customers.
20:25 Steve Ehrlich on the Voyager token.
25:04 The Voyager customer support system.
26:40 Steve Ehrlich on adding athletes and actors to the community.
29:16 How the blockchain will change financial services.
30:33 Which industries will be impacted by the blockchain.

Connect with Steve & Voyager
— Voyager on Twitter: https://twitter.com/investvoyager
— Steve on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ehrls15

Follow Dan on Social
–Twitter: https://twitter.com/ETFProfessor
–LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-weiskopf-45886111/

Powered by Toroso Investments.

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