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The Tidal Financial Group (Tidal) expanded rapidly over the last decade and encompassed multiple ETF related brands including Toroso Investments, Tidal ETF Services, and the ETF Think Tank. Going forward all activity will be unified under the Tidal brand as we become one company, dream, family, and platform focused on holistic ETF customer solutions.

Dissecting Dynamic Investment Approaches in the ETF Arena with Jay McAndrew

Join us for a compelling conversation with Jay McAndrew from Columbia Threadneedle as we navigate the ever-shifting currents of asset management. From the spirited origins of a boutique ETF provider to the helm of one of the nation’s financial juggernauts, Jay’s journey is a testament to the power of strategic innovation. We dissect the move to uncouple China from the larger emerging markets index, an astute call that has shaped investment strategies since the first ex-China ETF’s inception in 2015. Not one to rest on laurels, Jay provides a behind-the-scenes glance at the professional camaraderie and insight that have bolstered our partnership over the years.

The episode takes a fascinating turn as we scrutinize the performance of the XEM fund, revealing how a focus on larger market cap names can streamline operations and curtail trade friction. The spotlight then shifts to the vibrant subcontinent with the INCO Indian consumer ETF, which banks on the demographic dividends of India’s expanding middle class. As we contrast India’s democratic vibrancy and tech-savvy youth against China’s market mechanisms, the conversation underscores why India presents an enticing tableau for the discerning investor.

Wrapping up, we celebrate the success of MUST, the multi-sector muni ETF with a ticker as memorable as its strategic necessity, and DIAL, our diversified fixed income allocation ETF, designed to simplify investment portfolio management. In offering a heartfelt thank you to our audience, we emphasize the continued commitment to provide valuable insights and anticipate the opportunity to share robust projections in future talks. With an open invitation for direct engagement and guidance, we sign off, buoyed by the prospects of what lies ahead for our community of savvy investors.

Join us live! Visit https://www.getthinktanked.com to register free.

Chapter Markers:

18:32 Focused on Fund Performance and Demographics
36:58 ETF Tickers and Strategies
42:41 Investor Outreach and Collaboration Appreciation

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