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Investing Across Borders: Picking Winners in a World of Opportunities With Mike Olsen

Discover the secrets of building a global investment portfolio with the help of Mike Olson from Motley Fool Asset Management, who joins us for a captivating discussion that promises to transform your approach to investing. We start off by discussing Mike’s unique journey to Motley Fool, emphasizing the company’s celebrated culture, which prides itself on a long-term investment perspective. Further into the conversation, we delve into the burgeoning popularity of ETFs, unraveling the reasons investors are flocking to them for their tax efficiency and lower costs. Mike’s infectious enthusiasm for the intellectual challenge of demystifying business puzzles is a highlight, offering insights into the transformative nature of smart investing.

As we traverse the international investment landscape, Mike dissects the art of pinpointing superior international businesses with the potential to surpass market expectations. We stress the need to broaden one’s investment horizons beyond the U.S., taking into account aspects like profitability, margins, and return on equity. Sharing in Mike’s expertise, we illuminate the cyclical nature of market performance across geographies and how a diverse, thoughtfully constructed global portfolio is vital for enduring investment triumphs. Furthermore, we delve into the factors that define a company’s quality, including customer loyalty, pricing power, and management integrity, which are pivotal in forecasting a business’s long-term prosperity.

In our final segment, we discuss the profound shifts in today’s market, spotlighting the success of companies such as Mercado Paga and Universal Music, and comparing them to Amazon’s strategy of prioritizing growth over immediate profit. The conversation also covers the transformation in internet infrastructure, looking at players like Equinix and American Tower, and their impact on the commercial real estate landscape. We wrap up by exploring the reasons behind the recent sale of certain holdings, underscoring the adaptive nature of investment decision-making in times of market uncertainty. Join us for this episode of Think Tank Exchange, where Mike Olson’s insights will undoubtedly enrich your investment knowledge and strategy.

Join us live! Visit https://www.getthinktanked.com to register free.

Chapter Markers:

13:31 Investing in High Quality International Businesses
26:39 Amazon’s Competitive Advantage
39:45 Equinix, American Tower, and Canadian National
52:18 Universal Music
58:59 Outsourcing Effects on Commercial Real Estate

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