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The Tidal Financial Group (Tidal) expanded rapidly over the last decade and encompassed multiple ETF related brands including Toroso Investments, Tidal ETF Services, and the ETF Think Tank. Going forward all activity will be unified under the Tidal brand as we become one company, dream, family, and platform focused on holistic ETF customer solutions.

What’s Moving the Needle in Muni Bonds?, Ep 212

Learn about what’s moving the needle in muni bonds, where to look for opportunity for your clients and how active management factors in. Here to explain is Jay McAndrew, Head of Strategic Beta Sales & ETFs and Doug Rangel, Vice President and Client Portfolio Manager for fixed-income products from Columbia Threadneedle Investments. We thank Columbia Threadneedle for sponsoring this episode.

Podcast hosted by: Michael Venuto and Dave Armstrong

LIVE Show hosted by: David Dziekanski and Dan Weiskopf

Guests: Jay McAndrew and Doug Rangel from Columbia Threadneedle
Sponsored By: Columbia Threadneedle Investments

00:00 Open/Introduction
02:00 Muni market overview
04:27 Better Benchmarks
07:55 Inflation & Duration
13:02 Infrastructure
15:00 Real Estate
18:52 The Investors Perspective
22:03 The Case for Active Management
23:39 In Conclusion
25:30 Ideas that can make a difference

Risk: Keep Your Investors Aloft, Ep 210

Risk: Keep Your Investors Aloft, Ep 210

Learn how managing for risk in the markets can keep your investors invested from

ETF Industry KPI – 6/07/2021

ETF Industry KPI – 6/07/2021

Week of May 31, 2021 KPI Summary This week, the industry experienced 4 new ETF

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