ETF Prism Report: how much are you really paying for that ETF?

ETFs are known for having three major advantages over mutual funds: transparency, liquidity and low cost.
But do you really know how much you are paying for ETFs? The expense ratio is just the beginning.

See our CIO explain his 5 step process to uncovering the real cost of ETFs.
Learn how the Expense Ratio does not tell the whole story.
ETF Cost is not as simple as you think
Uncovering the cost of the ETFs in your portfolio goes beyond the expense ratio.

Compare factors
The 5 indicators of cost that can impact your investments: Expense Ratio, Tracking Difference, Spread, Commissions and the fundamentals (price to sell, price to earn, etc.)

Going over the facts
The five indicators will give you much more information than you expected.

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6 Best ETF Picks For Q4 And Beyond: Seizing Global Growth

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