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The Tidal Financial Group (Tidal) expanded rapidly over the last decade and encompassed multiple ETF related brands including Toroso Investments, Tidal ETF Services, and the ETF Think Tank. Going forward all activity will be unified under the Tidal brand as we become one company, dream, family, and platform focused on holistic ETF customer solutions.

These Gold ETFs Offer Smart New Ways To Invest — Quotes Mike Venuto on Investors.com

Gold bugs cheered the metal’s sharp rise in October, as an interest rate hike this year looks less and less likely. For gold ETF investors, Wednesday brought some gloom as the Fed’s latest policy statement left interest rates unchanged but took on a more hawkish tone.

But no matter the price swings in the short term, Michael Venuto, CIO of Toroso Investments, isn’t giving up on gold anytime soon.

“I always maintain a gold position,” said Venuto, whose Toroso Newfound Tactical Allocation Fund invests in a handful of gold exchange-traded products.

He invests in gold for two primary purposes: inflation protection and a tail-risk hedge. “Gold will provide safety if there’s a negative macroeconomic event,” said Venuto.

That’s important to the typically wealthy investors in his tactical fund, whose “goal is wealth stabilization, stable low-risk return that outpaces inflation,” he said.

Read full article on Nasdaq.com

Mike Venuto describe smart Gold ETFs

Mike Venuto describe smart Gold ETFs

Gold bugs cheered the metal’s sharp rise in October, as an interest rate

ETF Reference – Mike Venuto Provides ETF Q&A

ETF Reference – Mike Venuto Provides ETF Q&A

ETF Reference – Mike Venuto Provides ETF Q&A The editorial team

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